Competence unit: European dishes 15 osp | tutkinnon osa ravintola- ja catering-alan perustutkinnosta
This part of the degree is suitable for those applicants living permanently in Finland and who already have previous experience in the restaurant industry, who want to deepen and supplement their own skills in cooking based on classical European dishes and want to complete a smaller entity than the degree.
Applying for training requires
- Sufficient experience in kitchen work in the restaurant industry in Finland
- Satisfactory English language skills
- Hygiene Certificate valid in Finland
The studies contain
- Recognizing the most used European ingredients
- Preparing the most famous European classic dishes profitable and economically according to orders and schedules
- Applying the gastronomic principles in planning, preparing and displaying the dishes
- The focus of the studies are the skills needed in sustainable working life.
Seuraavat toteutukset
The next application time will be updated on this page.
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